[Get Started] Welcome to Product Academy - Your Professional Network
@riantogo | 11 months ago | | #panet

Our goal is to bring together a tight group of folks in Product development who will support each other in accelerating their goals. We will do that via ad-hoc coaching, discussing industry trends, sharing expertise, and being an active member of the community.

Let's get started right away. Have a question that you want answered? Wondering about some latest trend in the industry? Post it now!

Here are some pointers on how to get going in the community:

  • Read the posts and participate in discussions
  • Get your questions answered by other members
  • Make connections and learn everyday
  • Help others with your area of expertise
  • Promote your product or experience with the goal of sharing knowledge
  • Moderate a subgroup if you are an expert in a specific topic

We are just getting started and thrilled to have you on board as an early member of the network.

Help share productacademy.net within your existing network as learning is more fun with friends!

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