Watch Your Redirects
@rian | 4 years ago | #discoflip

I have never really focused too much on specific SEO recommendations. I felt if I took care of providing the visitors some value and good experience, Google would pick it up. Leading with that I have been simply typing in the browser bar and using it as I normally would. It always worked.

However, I noticed something odd. Google Analytics showed me that I got direct traffic and visitors from a few other websites. But the last visitor from Google was back in May, and only a couple total visits this year. I chalked it up to Google not liking DiscoFlip yet. But curiosity got the best of me and I took a peek in Google Search Console.

Here is what I found: → In index, but last crawl was back in Oct 2020 → Not in index, never been crawled

LiveTest → Both versions fail

Request reindex → Both versions fail with the message: “Index Request Rejected - During live testing, indexing issues were detected with the URL” (screenshot)


To find out what is going on I searched for a SEO tool and came across Seobility’s redirect checker. I ran a scan and here is what I found: Adding WWW to the domain takes you to a database error page. So I went ahead and fixed it. Now all the redirects work correctly in the browser but the redirect checker says, "Incorrect target" for everything. Check it out - takes a min to finish scanning.

Google Search Console still rejects the reindexing request with the same error above.

If you know what is going on, let me know.

As a bonus I found tons of other issues that I should fix.


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