Taking A Leap of Faith
@freelamcer4u | 3 years ago | #freelancesuccess

Taking the huge step of leaving a 9 to 5 and freelancing on your own can be scary. However it can also be the best decision you ever made. It all depends on how you handle the process.

Quitting your job in anger is not the most ideal way to start your freelance business, although 20% of freelancers have admitted to doing just that.

If you are considering becoming a freelancer and still have a job, NOW is the time to plan your exit.

This week I'll be offering example Freelance Business plans and offering examples of the different niche markets that are in the highest demand for freelancers right now .

So, if you are starting to feel unappreciated or if you are simply not loving where you work..stay tuned for examples of your SOON TO BE emergency exit plan.

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